Vacant Land

You may want to build a family home on it someday. Maybe a holiday home.
A place to live in your retirement years. Or even just use it as an investment. Whatever your reason, we can help you finance your own little piece of Australia.

Loan Sizes up to $650,000

Vacant Land is yet another property category that is in demand but ‘the big boys’ don’t like financing. Especially if you happen to be in business for yourself.

But at the home of the Self-Employed, Rate Money, we’re happy to help you buy your own patch of Australia.
Loans for Vacant Land are always available through Rate Money. Whether you have all your documents together for a ‘Full doc’ loan or not. That’s right, you can even buy your land through us via a ‘Low doc’ loan as well.
So it’s well worth talking to us as soon as you can.
